NXT UK 170

October 14, 2021 – Newham, London

The show has a new opening and there are fans in the studio. That’s neat.

Blair Davenport def. Stevie Turner
This was totally fine, and did more to make Davenport look threatening than anything to date. She hit Turner with a Falcon Arrow for the win at 4:44. Turner is dead in the water now, but that’s fine for the time being. **¼ 

Sha Samuels throws Noam Dar a botched party, as the decorations say HAPPY BIRTHDAY instead of TOURNAMENT WINNER. They have fun anyway. Then, Teoman tells Rohan Raja that they’ll be recruiting new family members soon. Earlier this week, Sid Scala revealed that Jinny will get a title shot in three weeks.  

Sha Samuels def. Flash Morgan Webster
Samuels is looking very slim. It’s such a drastic transformation that it’s distracting. I’m happy for him that he’s gotten more healthy, but he looks downright small with this new physique. This match was fun, but I had a hard time focusing in on the action because I was processing Samuel’s new body. Samuels hit a spinebuster for the win at 8:18. **¾ 

Nina Samuels interviews Xia Brookside about her recent losses. Brookside notes that Samuels has lost to all the same people. Samuels’ response to that is pretty funny. Samuels also says that Brookside couldn’t even beat Aleah James, who is standing nearby. So Brookside challenges James. That match could be pretty good, and this continues to be a good use of Samuels. Then, Jordan Devlin gets Gallus banned from ringside in his rematch against Joe Coffey. He reminds Coffey that he’s failed twice in Takeover main events, and that when Devlin gets his shot he will not miss. I mean, he did miss on this very show, but it wasn’t a Takeover so I guess fine whatever. They don’t say when that rematch will be.

Ilja Dragunov def. A-Kid {NXT UK Championship Match}
The work in the ring did not receive the reception it deserved from the reserved fans in the studio. I found their lack of response more distracting than the atmosphere of the empty arena had been the last few months. I think I’d rather have the piped in noise than this. But the match was excellent. A-Kid wrecked Dragunov’s arm to the point that it was believable that he could win. It hampered Dragunov’s ability to effectively hit most of his signature offense. But it didn’t hamper the Torpedo Moskau, which he hit for the win at 19:22. I hope they can get more engaged fans for the next taping cycle. ****