NXT 113

April 18, 2012 – Greenwich, London

Derrick Bateman narrates the a video about the whole Matt Striker kidnapping saga, which is fantastic. It seems like they’re trying to segue the show from reality show to sitcom, and since the show’s days are numbered I’m all for it.

Percy Watson def. Johnny Curtis
Just another match between two guys who aren’t improving that’s only on the air so that Maxine can be on commentary and we can get a handle on the fact that Matt Striker is back in the world and healthy. After the match, William Regal asks Curtis to sit in on commentary during Maxine’s match. *½

Maxine def. Kaitlyn
This matchup is always brutal, and this time around it’s just an excuse to have Curtis blame the whole kidnapping on Maxine. After the match, Regal punishes Maxine and Curtis by making Maxine Curtis’s manager for his entire tenure in NXT. If they don’t sign a contract making that official, they’re fired. They’re not a couple now, you see, so this is upsetting to them. Regal also handcuffs them together. ¾*

Titus O’Neil lets Darren Young know that he got the two of them Smackdown contracts. They reconcile over their promotion.

Tyler Reks and Curt Hawkins come out to deny that they were part of the kidnapping. Striker comes out but Regal stops him from attacking them. He books Hawkins and Reks in a match against each other. The loser is fired, and Striker is the special guest referee.

Tyler Reks def. Curt Hawkins
There’s a funny moment before the match where Reks says he’d never fight Hawkins, and Hawkins slugs him. This was a really sterile match for one where their careers were on the line. Striker punches Hawkins after the match. Then Regal fires Reks for the hell of it. *