NXT 56

March 15, 2011 – Kansas City, Missouri

The rookies come out and learn that not only will they win a spot in NXT Season 6 if they win, but they’ll also get to pick their pro. This is so stupid. Then they do a promo challenge. Conor O’Brian’s babyface gimmick is hot garbage. Not that the rest of the rookies are much better. Byron Saxton in particular is still totally grating. So is Lucky Cannon’s bad heel gimmick. Also, Maryse is awful in this role. She can’t get through a single line without tripping up. It’s pretty unfair to even put her in this position as a non-English speaker. Titus O’Neil wins because he actually has a good personality.

Back in 2011, John Cena had more facebook followers than the Kardashians. Amazingly, that’s still the case in 2018. Probably because all the cool kids are on Instagram where Kardashian has ten times the followers as Cena.

Darren Young def. Conor O’Brian
There’s nothing wrong with this match, except that it was short and heat-less and nobody remembers it because what was even the point? *½

Yoshi Tatsu tries hitting on Maryse again, and this time it’s Cannon who interrupts. He apologizes to Maryse for being a creep last week. She forgives him and leaves, and then Cannon tells Tatsu that he’s going to get her first.

Lucky Cannon & Tyson Kidd def. Yoshi Tatsu & Byron Saxton
This was pretty boring, and all led to Cannon tagging himself in to get the winning pin on Saxton. If Cannon was at all entertaining I’d be happy that they’re giving him a storyline. But he’s not so I’m not. *

The show wraps up with the keg carry challenge because it’s almost Saint Patrick’s Day. Of course they show O’Neil’s big fall from the last time he did this challenge. The keg is a LOT lighter this time, so it’s really just a regular race around the ring. Cannon decides to forfeit another challenge in favor of reciting a french poem for Maryse. She slaps him. O’Neil not only doesn’t fall but he wins and gets a big pop. I actually really liked this and felt really good for O’Neil.