NXT 27

August 24, 2010 – Fresno, California

The show starts with the rookies cutting promos about what it feels like to be so close to the finals. Kaval and Cody Rhodes get into it. Kaval challenges Rhodes and Rhodes says no. That rubs MVP the wrong way. The two of them will fight tonight.

Next up is a WWE trivia challenge. It appears to be a shoot, and Alex Riley doesn’t seem to know anything about WWE history. The questions are also really easy. Kaval wins, so he gets a feature on WWE.com.

Cody Rhodes def. MVP
This was a solid enough match, but does a solid match need over fifteen minutes of TV time and to be featured as the only match on the show? No, no it does not. This went so long that MVP’s breathe right strip started coming off. I just don’t understand the point of featuring two WWE regulars in such a prominent way in the penultimate episode of the season. If they don’t take the concept seriously, why do it at all? ***