NXT 10

April 27, 2010 – Hershey, Pennsylvania

The challenge this week is that the rookies have to go into the crowd and sell as much merchandise as they can. The winner gets a match against any pro they want next week. I appreciate at least that the prizes are wrestling related again. This is by far the most boring challenge to watch. David Otunga wins the thing, Daniel Bryan gave merch away for free, and Michael Tarver walked out on the challenge again. Later on, Otunga shows he’s still mad that R-Truth didn’t help him cheat to win last week, so he chooses to fight Truth next week.

Chris Jericho & Wade Barrett def. Christian & Heath Slater
This show is edited like crap; Sheffield doing the weekly challenge soft dissolves into Christian and Slater’s entrance, which makes no sense since they both take place in the arena. This was pretty solid for the few minutes it lasted. It’s nice to see a match that wasn’t just killing time because all that mattered was the hinky finish. **½

Darren Young def. Michael Tarver
This was pretty awful, and was just there to kill time until the finish wherein Luke Gallows got to show that he was back on board with helping Young succeed. And then after the match, Gallows is shitty to Young. Cool cool cool, confusing character development is great. 1/2*

Skip Sheffield def. Daniel Bryan
Bryan is subbing in for the Miz because the night before on Raw, Big Show punched him in the face after they lost the tag titles to the Hart Dynasty. Sheffield and Bryan were both win-less going into this. Sheffield wins in about a minute, hitting his finisher after Bryan controlled the rest of the match. What were they trying to prove by jobbing Bryan like this? The losing streak was one thing, but he’s jobbed in under three minutes a few times. ¼*

At under 7 minutes of bell-to-bell time, this might be the least amount of wrestling that’s ever happened on a WWE program that actually had matches on it.