NXT 09

April 20, 2010 – Uncasville, Connecticut

The challenge is an American Gladiator rock em sock em thing, and the winner gets a feature on WWE.com. Holy shit that’s the best they could do for a prize? What a joke. They do it in rounds over the course of the episode, because they thought people were eager to see who’d win? Who was writing this shit? That’s not a rhetorical question. Skip Sheffield wins the whole thing, and the ongoing story of these things is that Michael Tarver doesn’t seem to care about any of it. That should have gotten him over as a huge babyface, but this show sucks so it didn’t.

Justin Gabriel def. David Otunga
This was four minutes of decent enough stuff, just to get to R-Truth refusing to help Otunga cheat, which led directly to the finish. **¼

Darren Young def. Michael Tarver & Skip Sheffield {Triple Threat Match}
This was an open challenge from Tarver, which both Sheffield and Young answered because they’re taking the challenges seriously (they were in the finals of the rock em sock em thing). That’s not actually why they answered his challenge, but it would have made more sense than the reason they gave, which was basically no reason. This wasn’t awful, but then the finish came when Luke Gallows tried and failed to cost Young the match. He also attacked Sheffield for reasons that won’t be explained. *¾

Heath Slater def. Chris Jericho
This was three minutes of whatever before a surprise roll up from Slater. They kind of have to push Slater as the top guy in NXT now, right? *