Lucha Underground: Brothers in Broken Arms

September 28, 2016 – Los Angeles, California

Dario Cueto approaches Sexy Star and tells her the Mack is suffering after losing to Matanza. He wonders if she’ll just defend the GIft of the Gods Championship forever so that she never has to face Matanza and meet the same fate. She says she’ll never be afraid again. Johnny Mundo walks in as Cueto walks out and introduces himself to Star. He’s coming for her title. 

Prince Puma def. Siniestro de la Muerte
This was really just an extended squash for Puma. Even when Mil Muertes tries to interfere, Puma just sidesteps him and continues assaulting Muerte. Then he gets the win with Muertes’s Flatliner at 4:50. Great from a storyline perspective, not much of a match. Puma attacks Muertes after the match. **

Dario has Cortez Castro/Ricky Reyes come into his office. He hugs him and says he wants to find the man responsible for killing Mr. Cisco. He tries to put the fault on Big Ryck, but that doesn’t hold water as Ryck has been dead for a while. Dario books him against Pentagon Dark tonight. 

Pentagon Dark def. Cortez Castro
This was nothing. Dark took control thirty seconds in and then hit the package piledriver for the win at 1:08. Then he breaks Castro’s arm. N/A

Jack Evans, Taya, PJ Black & Johnny Mundo def. Sexy Star, Fenix, Drago & Aerostar
This match moved crazy fast. The spots were dope and none were overdone, and they came a mile a minute. Evans was back on the same page as the rest of the Worldwide Underground. The finish saw Mundo hit Star with a superkick into an Evans backslide for the win at 8:52. Taya appears to have gotten injured during the match. ***½ 

Muerte begs for mercy from Muertes and Catrina, but Catrina isn’t having it and she kills him. She sucks out his soul and spits it into Muertes’s face. She tells Muertes to do the same to Puma. 

El Dragon Azteca def. Chavo Guerrero
Rey Mysterio is the special guest referee. This was going along well enough, but stopped when the storyline kicked in. Guerrero attacked Mysterio, which was enough of a distraction for Azteca to catch Guerrero with a hurricanrana for the win at 6:59. Mysterio hits the 619 on Guerrero after the match. Hopefully this leads to a Mysterio vs. Guerrero storyline because otherwise it was kind of pointless. **½ 

Black Lotus is sending the Black Lotus Triad to destroy Dark because he stole her opportunity to kill Azteca and take his mask. I’m really glad they didn’t drop this storyline.