The Top 100 Tag Teams of All Time | 95: The Minnesota Stretching Crew

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Okay so this is kind of a weird one. It was originally going to be a London Riots post, with a pop up review of the Minnesota Stretching Crew. That was because Brock Lesnar & Shelton Benjamin only wrestled as a team in OVW at a time when OVW was very strictly a WWF development territory and wasn’t having their wrestlers put on much more than enhancement matches. That said, the London Riots were basically a nothing tag team in PROGRESS in the mid ‘10s that only got clout because there weren’t a ton of other interesting tag teams wrestling for the company on a regular basis. Also, at least one member of the team has brutally bad Speaking Out allegations against him before Speaking Out was a thing. So that’s real bad. So the pop up becomes the main post and the number 113-ranked Minnesota Stretching Crew lands at number 95 on the list. If you’re curious about the one really well-reviewed London Riots match, here’s a review of that.

Benjamin signed with WWF and debuted in OVW in January of 2000. He worked more or less aimlessly for five months before he was paired with Lesnar upon Lesnar’s debut. Lesnar & Benjamin had been college roommates, and their wrestling styles were developed similarly to build on their amateur wrestling careers. They teamed for only a year, as Lesnar was quickly called up to the main roster. 

Footage of random OVW TV episodes from 2000/’01 is kind of scarce, but here’s a random assortment of (somewhat) important matches in the team’s short history.

October 11, 2000 – Jeffersonville, Indiana

Brock Lesnar & Shelton Benjamin def. Chris Michaels & Sean Casey
From OVW TV. I’m pretty sure this was Lesnar’s first match. You could see immediately that this guy could be a star, but you could also see that he had no experience as he had a very hard time getting Michaels up for a press slam. Bizarrely, this match ends in a disqualification when a rogue referee throws powder in Lesnar’s face at 3:24. A couple of scrubs named Jason Lee & Derrick King make the save. Developmental wrestling is so weird. *½ 

December 16, 2000 – Louisville, Kentucky

Brock Lesnar & Shelton Benjamin def. Mark Henry & Mr. Black
From OVW TV. I should point out that the Minnesota Stretching Crew comes out to Limp Bizkit’s Take a Look Around off of the Mission: Impossible 2 soundtrack. Look up the track listing for this movie’s soundtrack, it’s an early aught’s “rock” capsule of bands that didn’t stand the test of time. The Foo Fighters and Chris Cornell get a pass. This was pretty bad, though I didn’t hate seeing Lesnar beat up Henry at this point in both of their careers. Black tries to hit Benjamin with a nightstick, but Rob Conway runs in, steals it, and hits Black with it. Benjamin covers for the win at 5:46. ½*

May 2, 2001 – Louisville, Kentucky

Brock Lesnar & Shelton Benjamin def. Rico Constantino & Mr. Black
From OVW TV. Cornette sounded like was full blown coked out on commentary. This was shaping up to be a Minnesota Stretching Crew squash until the Disciples of Sinn ran in and drew a disqualification at 3:51. Leviathan ran in to join in the fun, but Lesnar hit him with a belly-to-belly suplex. Those two met in a singles match two months later in their only meeting ever. So if you’re curious about Lesnar vs. Batista, that’s what you’re looking for. It’s almost certainly dreadful. They were also a very short-lived tag team in the months after their singles match. *¾ 

May 15, 2001 – Louisville, Kentucky

Brock Lesnar & Shelton Benjamin def. Damien & Payne {OVW Southern Tag Team Championship Match}
From the international broadcast of Sunday Night Heat. The crowd was totally dead for this, despite it being in the town where OVW holds their TV tapings. I guess the OVW fans couldn’t afford seats near the crowd mics. Still, this was a good showcase for both teams. The Disciples of Synn never went on to be anything important, but they put on a good show here. Lesnar got to slam Synn, sprayed aerosol on Payne’s face, and debuted the Shooting Star Press to get the win and the titles (for the second time) at 6:11. The end of this match was the clip that went around to prove that Lesar was capable of the SSP until he botched the move at Wrestlemania two years later. ***

October 29, 2001 – Louisville, Kentucky

Brock Lesnar & Shelton Benjamin def. Rico Constantino & Prototype {OVW Southern Tag Team Championship Match}
From WWE Jakked 115. It was clever to have these four do dark matches in OVW’s hometown, where at least some of the fans in attendance might be familiar with them. WWE only aired the last minute of this match, which saw the MSC win the tag titles for the third time. There was a time when people thought Constantino was going to be a huge star, but of course he became the dud of this group and two of these dudes went on to be two of the biggest stars in wrestling history. Benjamin hit Constantino with a frog splash for the win. N/A 

As I mentioned, Lesnar was only in developmental for a little over a year before getting called up. Benjamin followed him later on in 2002 and joined up with Kurt Angle to feud with Lesnar leading up to WrestleMania XIX. I know that nobody has nostalgia for this team because they didn’t really exist outside of developmental, but now that I’ve reviewed these matches I’d personally like a Minnesota Stretching Crew tag title run in 2022. There’s no reason at all this can’t happen.