NXT UK 158

July 22, 2021 – Newham, London 

Sid Scala, rather than give us the news about WALTER vs. Ilja Dragunov, passes the buck to William Regal, Triple H, and Shawn Michaels. They’re postponing the match for exactly one more month so that it can happen at Takeover 36 in Florida. I started laughing over the title changing hands in America for the third time in a row. I mean, okay the CWC crowd has been solid lately, but WALTER has already been the champion forever and it’s a little absurd they aren’t going to do it in front of English fans. Didn’t RevPro just have a show with fans in London?

Symbiosis is mad at Mustache Mountain. Later, Teoman suggests that he wants more than just Rohan Raja to join his family. Blaire Davenport rips on Xia Brookside for not being more successful even though she’s riding on her stepfather’s name. Later still, Jordan Devlin confirms that the Ironman Match against A-Kid will happen. Earlier this week, Jack Starz thanks Dave Mastiff for his support. Mastiff says there’s more to come. That was quite awkward. Finally, Mustache Mountain accepts the Symbiosis challenge. 

Nina Samuels def. Laura Di Matteo
This was shockingly good thanks in large part to Di Matteo’s fantastic energy, but also because Samuels was on her game in a way I’ve not really seen from her before. Both women have gone up in my esteem. Samuels won with a ripcord toss into a knee strike at 6:11. **¾ 

Jinny & Joseph Conners are guests on the Supernova Sessions. Noam Dar flirts with Jinny. Jinny shoots him down and talks trash about Aiofe Valkyrie. 

Joseph Conners def. Tristan Archer
It’s awkward that the last segment didn’t segue directly to this match. Probably should have had Conners in his gear during the Supernova Sessions because this makes it feel like the two bits were taped far apart. Very surprisingly, they use Archer’s presence here to promote the wXw content on Peacock/the WWE Network. That’s more promotion for obscure stuff than I can ever remember hearing. Here’s another match that was much better than I expected it to be, thanks mostly (but not entirely) to the efforts of the guy being squashed. Conners finished Archer with a cross-armed Rude Awakening called the Hierarchy for the win at 6:03. Valkyrie comes after the match to give Jinny a black feather. **¾ 

Sam Stoker & Lewis Howley def. Flash Morgan Webster & Mark Andrews {NXT UK Tag Team Championship Match}
This was a match that I actually expected to be good and it lived right up to those expectations. Andrews & Webster have their entire shtick down, and Pretty Deadly are doing a good job at honing theirs. I’m not totally sure I understand the point of them throwing the title belt into the ring and distracting the referee before hitting their finisher, but maybe it was just so Howley could be a part of the action without tagging in. Things had pretty much deteriorated from a legal man standpoint by the end, but I guess that’s what I’ll assume it was for anyway. Good stuff all around. Pretty Deadly hit Spilled Milk on Andrews for the win at 15:46. ***¾