NXT UK Prelude

April 8, 2021 – Newham, London

Tyler Bate def. Noam Dar {Number One Contender Heritage Cup Rules Match}
Bate has Trent Seven in his corner, and Dar has Sha Samuels in his. A-Kid pops up on the big screen to let both guys know that he’s watching. After a bit of showboating from both guys, Bate wins the first fall in 1:15 of the first round with a quick pin. The second round is quite a bit slower and ends without much ado. Dar fights a bit dirty in round three, but Bate is still able to cap the round with the airplane spin despite a bum knee. Both lays drop a few bombs in the fourth round, but neither is able to capitalize with multiple pin attempts. Dar counters Bate’s rebound lariat to a Champagne Super Kneebar at 40 seconds of the fifth round to tie things up one fall a piece. Things start to fall apart as Seven and Samuels brawl on the floor. Dar uses the chaos to attack Bate, but Bate toughs it out and hits the Tyler Driver ‘97 for the win at 1:34 of the sixth round. I found the second and third falls really quite dull, but the rest of the match moved briskly enough. I’m starting to lose interest in this match gimmick. ***¼ 

Flash Mandrews laments their recent loss. Dani Luna is working out with them. Later, we see Piper Niven hyping up Jack Starz for his match next week. I have no problem with all of these intergender alliances, but where is any of it going? Then, we get a look at Ilja Dragunov’s emotional problems. And then, Jordan Devlin says he’s coming back to NXT UK after being Santos Escobar later tonight. I have a strong feeling that no one will mention WALTER’s match from last night on this show. 

Meiko Satomura & Emilia McKenzie def. Kay Lee Ray & Isla Dawn
This felt a little long for my liking, but I did enjoy every time McKenzie hit someone with a German suplex. She looked good, even if Dawn still looks lost in the ring. KLR didn’t have a ton to do, which I guess is fine since this was about letting the babyfaces shine. McKenzie rolled up Dawn for the win at 9:02. Aiofe Valkyrie comes out after the match to symbolically challenge Satomura. **¾ 

A-Kid is looking forward to beating Bate in defense of the Heritage Cup again. Then, Amir Jordan storms into the Performance Center looking for Kenny Williams. Sid Scala books a match between them for next week. Elsewhere, Williams tells an interviewer that it’s obvious that he turned on Jordan because he’s sick of the years of carrying him on his back. Also next week, Gallus will be on the Supernova Sessions and Nathan Frazer takes on Saxon Huxley. 

WALTER def. Rampage Brown {NXT UK Championship Match}
McGuinness actually does reference last night’s WALTER match, but doesn’t ironically marvel that WALTER’s chest has magically healed. Nigel McGuinness tries to hammer home that this is a Kings Road style match; I suppose that’s true in that it’s two big fellas beating each other up until exhaustion and in that most Kings Road matches were fun but forgettable. Brown was a strength match for WALTER, but even though the match was more even than the champ’s usual they rarely built to nearfalls where it felt like the title would change. In a way it was a relief, as I really want Dragunov to be the one to fight back up the card and win the belt, and a big boy brawl is a perfectly enjoyable way to bide WALTER’s time until that happens. McGuinness compared this to Bruiser Brody vs. Stan Hansen and Mitsuharu Misawa vs. Kenta Kobashi, and my two cents is that it had a lot more in common with the former than the latter. WALTER finally puts Brown down with a lariat, a powerbomb, and the Superfly Splash at 13:44. ***½