NXT Takeover: Chicago

I watched the Takeover specials before I watched the TV show. So I’m going to add notes to my original reviews now that I have the full context. I’ll put them in red.

May 20, 2017 – Rosemont, Illinois

Roderick Strong def. Eric Young
The crowd loves Strong, but this was too long, too disjointed, and too didn’t have Strong hitting the Sick Kick, which is a move that has a name that I coined. **½ It also was the result of a last-minute angle that’s the extension of an angle that already ended in a satisfying way.

Pete Dunne def. Tyler Bate {WWE UK Championship Match}
Why does Nigel McGuinness say that Bate has been fighting for over a decade when he debuted 2 years before this? Dunne, however, has been wrestling since he was 12. This match actually had a lot more fire than their first, which might have been because they were performing in front of many thousands more fans who got behind them. It also had a better finish. ****¼ It’s also the first WWE UK match that made me believe that these guys could carry their own brand… which we’re still waiting for over a year later. Before this it was feeling a lot like indy guys doing indy stuff but a little more restrained on WWE TV.

Asuka def. Ruby Riot & Nikki Cross {NXT Women’s Championship Triple Threat Match}
I was pretty tuned out until the last few minutes, but hey, those last few minutes were pretty dope. The women’s division really hasn’t recovered from the loss of the female 4 Horsemen or whatever they were calling themselves. *** That’s what they were calling themselves. It’s killing me that they don’t just give Cross a singles match for the title at Takeover.

Bobby Roode def. Hideo Itami {NXT Championship Match}
So this is kind of nuts, because Itami debuted in 2014 and has had an average of one Takeover match per year, and that’s INCLUDING this match. He’s looking pretty badass with a huge scar on his shoulder from his injuries. It took these guys a while to get the action flowing and to get the crowd interested, but once they did they put on a technically excellent match that was hell of a lot of fun. That finish was terrific. ***¾ I believe this is the first time that this title didn’t headline a show that it was defended on, and that’s kind of depressing and a pretty strong indication of how they felt about Itami.

Akam & Rezar def. Johnny Gargano & Tommaso Ciampa {NXT Tag Team Championship Ladder Match}
There were a couple of cool spots at the end of this thing, but it was largely going back and forth between being boring and contrived. It was real a slog to get through this. If it wasn’t for Ciampa’s post-match heel turn I’d say this was pretty useless. **¾ Turns out that post-match heel turn was useful as all hell.