NXT 83

September 20, 2011 – Dayton, Ohio

Percy Watson kicks off the show with his talk show. He brings out Titus O’Neil, and the excuse for having him on the show seems to just be that he and O’Neil are buds. O’Neil wants them to go for the WWE Tag Team Championships. But O’Neil isn’t in WWE yet… JTG and Darren Young interrupt but they don’t call out how little sense this all makes. Darren Young does call out that this season of NXT has lasted almost 30 weeks. Just what is happening on this show? The Usos get mentioned but nobody explains why they showed up in NXT last week, and the whole segment just leads to a tag match between these two teams later in the night.

AJ def. Maxine
Somehow these two are as bad against each other as O’Neil and Derrick Bateman. We still don’t know where Hornswoggle actually is. This was boring, but not nearly as offensively bad as their last match. Also the finish played off of their last match, so they had that crutch to work with. *¾

Looks like Hornswoggle was just backstage. Maxine finds him and tries to convince him that there’s something going on between AJ and O’Neil. Then she finds Bateman, who is learning the secrets of the Hart dungeon from Tyson Kidd. She wants him to focus on separating AJ and Hornswoggle. Later on, Hornswoggle sees AJ innocently hugging O’Neil and gets mad.

Yoshi Tatsu def. Derrick Bateman
Tatsu is still in darkside mode, and he should probably have different entrance music than the upbeat, video game-style music he has now. This was a solid enough little match that suffered a bit from Bateman being hesitant from time to time, and Kidd running in to give Tatsu the disqualification win. **½

Darren Young & JTG def. Titus O’Neil & Percy Watson
This was fun when O’Neil was looking strong in the first half, but it slowed way down (and kind of fell apart) when the heels took over on Watson. The finish was pretty weak too, with Young unable to hit his real finisher on the much bigger O’Neil and hitting a lame alternate version of it. The Usos attack the winners after the match for the second week in a row, still with no explanation. *½