NXT 75

July 26, 2011 – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Derrick Bateman def. Titus O’Neil
Darren Young returned the favor for Bateman this week, tripping O’Neil and giving Bateman the win. This was really bad and they should both feel bad. ½*

It turns out that Hornswoggle’s secret admirer is AJ. She plants a kiss on him, which immediately draws out Maryse and her nasty sentiments. AJ takes offense. What happened to her relationship with Primo?

Meanwhile, Vladimir Kozlov has been planking everywhere, having misunderstood the bet with JTG (plankster instead of gangster). Now that Kozlov understands, he wants another week to prove he can win.

Yoshi Tatsu def. Tyson Kidd {Necklace on a Pole Match}
The necklace has Tatsu’s action figure’s leg attached to it. Seems pointless since Kidd destroyed the rest of the action figure last week. Oh, nevermind, Tatsu has the rest of the action figure wrapped in bandages. This is ladder match rules, unlike many pole matches where you have to grab what’s on the pole and use it as a weapon. This wasn’t really what I had in mind when I said I wanted more matches between the two, but at least it wasn’t as supremely stupid as many objects on a pole matches. It was a little repetitive but they actually got the crowd into it and made you care about an action figure’s leg on a chain. Kidd attacks Tatsu after the match, targeting his leg, so hopefully this feud will continue. ***