June 16, 2009 – Roanoke, Virginia

David Hart Smith def. Christian
This was leagues better than Smith’s match against Finlay, but like that match this too was too long. Smith won in 11:08 (shown) with some help from Tyson Kidd and a Backdrop Driver. At least these two were able to keep things moderately entertaining and refrain from gratuitous rest holds. Finlay saves Christian from a post-match beating, only to hit him with the club. **¾ 

Shane Helms asks Finlay to explain why he attacked Christian. Finlay says that he was out with an injury because of Christian and Tommy Dreamer’s locker room brawl. Eye for an eye and all that. 

Mark Henry def. Evan Bourne
Four weeks of teasing that Bourne might pin Henry ends in disappointment. Most of the match was nothing, but the finish saw Henry counter a crucifix pin attempt to the World’s Strongest Slam at 3:39, and that was pretty neat. *¾ 

Jack Swagger def. Tommy Dreamer
This was a snooze. The finish saw Dreamer miss a shitty Frog Splash and then roll up Dreamer for the win at 8:40 (shown). Finlay ran out after the match and clubbed Dreamer. Christian followed and attacked Finlay. Swagger attacked Christian so Finlay clubbed Swagger. The post-match minute was more interesting than the match, effectively me making me forget anything that happened in the ten minutes prior. That’s not really a complement. **