Lucha Underground: Ultima Lucha Dos, Part 2

July 13, 2016 – Los Angeles, California

Sexy Star def. Daga, Siniestro de la Muerte, Killshot, Marty Martinez, Night Claw, and Mariposa {Gift of the Gods Championship Elimination Match}
Things I liked in this chaos: Kobra Moon watching her boy Daga from the balcony. Killshot and Martinez fighting with each other a lot, Daga basically kicking Muerte’s head off, and most of all that people were fighting on the floor when they weren’t the focal point of the match. I hate when in these multi-purpose matches when those not in the ring just lay around. Panther eliminated Muerte first at 2:53 with a Spanish Fly. Thing I didn’t like: Claw breaking up a submission that Daga had on Martinez and then not immediately trying to pin Daga. I expected him to ally with Martinez after that but it never happened, so it was just dumb. He did pin Daga a minute later with a Phoenix Splash at 6:40. That makes me dislike the submission break a bit less. Claw also hit a moonsault off of the office onto a bunch of folks that didn’t lead to anything. A bit later, Killshot put Claw down with the JML Driver at 10:20. 

Down to the last four, you have to wonder why they bothered with the Killshot vs. Martinez feud and didn’t just draw out the Mack feud and put Killshot in the tournament the week before. That’d make way more sense with the Martinezes and Star being in there at the end. Mariposa hits the Vertebreaker on Killshot and the Martinezes pin him while holding his dog tags over him at 12:29. The crowd dies a bit as the siblings beat on Star. Martinez accidentally punches Mariposa, and Star pins her at 15:29. After spending the first part of the season building up Mariposa as some scary threat, she beats nobody of consequence all season and then loses in the finale after one errant punch from her brother. The rest of the match is all Star, chopping Martinez, fighting off a brief comeback, and then submitting him with the cross armbreaker at 18:17. This was a real mixed bag of good action and questionable booking decisions, but the right person went over the right opponent in the end, so they got that right at least. ***¼ 

Joey Ryan and Ricky Reyes convince Mr. Cisco to talk to Dario Cueto while wearing a wire. He thinks Cueto will kill him, but Reyes assures him that he’ll live and all the charges against him will be dropped. 

Mil Muertes def. King Cuerno {Death Match}
I like that Muertes levels up each time he dies, but his level 3 form hasn’t been all that formidable. I like how this one played out. It started as a quick, intense brawl. Then it slowed down a while so they could set up gimmicks around ringside. Then Muertes just said screw it and put Cuerno through all those gimmicks, hit him with a crowbar, and then hit a Tombstone Piledriver for the win at 13:49. It was a lot less bloody than previous Muertes death matches, which Ithink held it back a bit as there was never a reason to really get behind Cuerno. On the other hand, Cuerno looked very strong until he got wrecked for the finish. Solid stuff, just not Muertes’s best. ***½ 

Vampiro ends the show by throwing away his medication as a way of symbolically realigning himself with Pentagon.

Cisco tries to talk to Cueto and get him to talk about his nefarious goings on. Reyes and Ryan listen in as Cueto sees through the ruse, finds the wire, and then beats Cisco to death with his bull statue. With bloody hands, Cueto finally uses his red phone to call someone and say, “it’s time.”