Lucha Underground: Aztec Warfare II

March 23, 2016 – Los Angeles, California

Pentagon tells Fenix that he’ll win the title tonight. Catrina comes in and says that Pentagon isn’t invited to Aztec Warfare because he attacked her. 

Matanza Cueto def. Fenix, Rey Mysterio, King Cuerno, Argenis, Johnny Mundo, Joey Ryan, Prince Puma, Jack Evans, Taya, Cage, Mascarita Sagrada, Marty Martinez, Drago, the Mack, Chavo Guerrero, PJ Black, Aerostar, Dragon Azteca, Texano, and Mil Muertes {Lucha Underground Championship Aztec Warfare Match}
This is Royal Rumble rules, but with elimination happening by pinfall or submission rather than being thrown over the top. Fenix and Mysterio start things off. Famous B is watching from the crowd. Mysterio’s mask is jarringly plain compared to the ones he wears in WWE now. Cuerno came in at number three and hit the wildest super jump I’ve seen in some time. Argenis came in at four and got eliminated in short order with Mysterio’s frog splash. Ryan came out at six and handcuffed himself to a barricade so he couldn’t be taken to the ring and eliminated. Puma is out next and it’s starting to feel silly that everyone is on the floor while two people do stuff in the ring. Mysterio eliminated Cuerno with a cross armbreaker. 

Things uncomfortably turn into a whites vs. browns thing. Not sure that was necessary. Cage’s entrance puts an end to that. Mundo tosses Cage through the office window, but Cage more or less no sells it. Lame. Cage hits Mundo with Weapon X on the floor and Puma eliminates Mundo with a standing shooting star press. Drago mists Ryan, continuing a funny bit of Ryan getting abused while cuffed. Mysterio and Sagrada team up and eliminate Martinez. Mack stubs Martinez on his way out. Guerrero eliminated Sagrada with a camel clutch. Mundo ran back out to hit Cage with a cinder block, then Taya eliminated him. Fenix immediately hit Taya with a German suplex for the elimination. Evans and Black have a wild brawl with Drago on the floor. Aerostar and Black eliminate Drago and Evans at the same time. Texano eliminates Black with a powerbomb. Pentagon attacks Muertes with a chair during his entrance and Mysterio quickly eliminates Muertes. Catrina tells Vampiro to get his man in line. 

Muertes was meant to be the last entrant, but Dario Cueto comes out and reclaims the Temple by introducing his brother Matanza as entrant 21. He eliminates Fenix, which means there will be a new champ. Mack gets eliminated next. Then Aerostar. Then Texano goes down to his own finisher. Cueto rips Ryan off the barricade and eliminates him too. Azteca does a little better at surviving, but can’t get Cueto off of his feet and gets eliminated. Guerrero goes down next. Puma and Mysterio are all that’s left and they try to team up. That doesn’t work. Puma goes down first. Mysterio gets Cueto to his knees for the 619, but Cueto comes back with a reverse powerslam for the win and the title at 35:37. 

They did a solid job of weaving ongoing storylines into this match, and the action never stopped. But in order to set up fodder for Cueto they had to keep too many guys active and it meant they had to just do nothing on the floor for long stretches. That said, the Cueto run was really fun, and got the monster over huge as he was only m even taken off of his feet once. The 2020 Royal Rumble was the reverse of this match, and it’s a set up that has way more pros than cons. It’s not as good as the year before, but it’s very different which I appreciate. ****