Utilizing Untappd

Greg Avola is a web-developer who turned his love of coding and scripting into become co-founder and CTO of a social network for beer lovers called Untappd. Launched in 2010, Untappd allows its users to check into beers as they drink them, and share these check-ins and their locations with their friend. The network originally launched in 2010 and now can claim more than 3 million users. He joins the podcast to teach Like Bite & Share listeners about the power of social and digital gamification in the food and drink industry.


Like Bite & Share is a podcast about marketing in the food business. Each episode includes an insightful interview with food marketing professionals.


Key Takeaways:

  • There are approximately 3.5 million active users on Untappd
    • There have been approximately 360 million check ins
    • The average person checks in three beers in a 30 day period, though more people check in in metropolitan areas that have public transportation
    • There are 1.5 million beers listen on Untappd, about half of which are commercially produced. Untappd allows for home brewed beer to be listed on the app. There are 300,000 breweries on the app
  • Attach yourself to a niche-based network and find something that you’re passionate about. That combination will bleed into the product, and you’ll find equally passionate users
  • Untappd supporter accounts give extra features to users at a cost, which help the developers pay for server costs and other overhead related to the app. This way, the most passionate users are able to support the app that they love and get more out of it
    • Supporter accounts come with a badge that allow those users to flaunt their status
  • Untappd for Business allows bars and restaurants to market their beer lists in real time, and give them access to a new layer of data about what their customers are drinking and how much they like what they’re drinking
    • They also get an added layer of engagement with their customers
  • Untappd can be used to promote a beer or promotion: Duvel produced a Belgian Independence Day badge to raise awareness of their brand
  • People drive all over the country to earn regional badges, some based on regional beers like Old Style in Chicago
  • If you’re developing an app, pay attention to what your active users want and give it to them if you can

Links Mentioned in this Episode:

Learn more about Greg Avola and Untappd: