Ratings & Reviews

Daniel Lemin is the founder of One Good Brand. He is a Senior Strategist at Convince and Convert. He has been on Fox News, CBS Radio, in the New York Times and USA Today. He is also the author of Manipurated, a deep dive into the online rating and review business. On the show we discuss the importance of staying on top of your customer and how responding to reviews can be more impactful than marketing on social media. He joins Like, Bite & Share to teach us how those reviews affect small and medium-sized businesses.


Like Bite & Share is a podcast about marketing in the food business. Each episode includes an insightful interview with food marketing professionals.


Key Takeaways:

  • Don’t panic if your business gets a bad review online. A bad review in a sea of good reviews actually makes all of the reviews seem more legitimate.
  • If you receive malicious reviews on Facebook, Yelp, or any other platform, it will probably be difficult for you to get in contact with the platform to resolve the issue. That’s why it’s important to monitor and manage your pages on a regular basis.
  • Fake reviews for profit take many forms. Some people set up blogs just to be a part of the Amazon affiliates program, while others are for hire on Fiverr or similar websites.
  • Reviews are powerful. Anywhere between 85-95% of consumers look at and trust reviews before they make a purchase. That is more than people say that they trust their friends and family.
  • Restaurants should internalize the fact that Yelp (and other review sites) is a reality and customers will use it. It’s important not to take criticism personally, especially when people are horrible or mean online.
  • Reviews can also be a resource, and people are more likely to write them if they know that the restaurant management is engaged with them. It’s good to leave personalized, positive feedback to reviews.
  • It is probably more effective to prioritize your reputation management than your social media because reviews often drive more traffic than social channels.
  • Publicly thank your customers who give you positive reviews. It shows that your business runs well and that you appreciate those who treat the business well.

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