June 24, 2018 – Melrose, Massachusetts

As I predicted, the EVOLVE generosity continues and gives us the most sought after dark match in the company’s history.

Adam Cole def. WALTER {NXT North American Championship Match}
They kept this quite simple. WALTER tried to dominate with his strength, while Cole managed to injure WALTER’s hand and target that to stay in control. It wasn’t feeling like anything particularly special until WALTER hit a one-armed powerbomb. That was insanely impressive. Cole retained the title with two superkicks, a Shining Wizard, two more superkicks and the Last Shot at 14:00, and yet somehow it still seemed like it was too little to believably pin WALTER. That’s a testament to how dominant he’s been in his NXT/NXT UK run, but it made the finish feel flatter than it should have. ***¼