NXT 100

January 18, 2012 – Las Vegas, Nevada

Titus O’Neil def. Darren Young {No Disqualification Match}
They kept this simple, had a good spot where O’Neil kicked out of Young’s finisher (and Young actually hit it properly), and kept the crowd interested. And it only took them wrestling each other ten times on TV to get it right. And then O’Neil cuts a whiney, heel-turn promo after the match. I guess they’re banking on the fans accepting Derrick Bateman as a babyface now. **¾

Percy Watson def. Heath Slater
This was fine, just fine, if really short. *¾

Curt Hawkins & Tyler Reks def. Trent Barreta & Yoshi Tatsu
This was a chinlock sandwich on fun bread. You get it. **¼

The main event is the wedding between Johnny Curtis and Maxine. Matt Striker will officiate, dressed as Elvis. Derrick Bateman interrupts and shows proof of Curtis using Bateman’s iPad to send the incriminating email to Teddy Long. Bateman just wants Maxine to know that he didn’t try to sabotage her career. Maxine and Bateman reconcile by beating up Curtis and making out. This was not as good as the Goldust/Aksana NXT wedding.